Meet the Team


Pulse Particle was founded by two passionate anglers James and Adam in 2023, Pulse Particle was born out of a joint vision to provide quality carp bait and carp bait additives without the added carp tax.

Their mission is to land you more fish and see you smash your personal best without your bank account suffering the consequences.  They pride themselves on pushing the boundaries of particle and additive technology. Through their cutting-edge research, advanced formulations, and a deep understanding of fish behavior, Pulse Particle strive to create products that consistently outperform the competition at a lower price point.

The Team

Pulse Particle Director Adam 

Obsessed with pushing his angling to new levels led to the creation of Pulse Particle by creating products that just work and any water that you visit.  Proud dad of one when Adam isn't on the banks or speeding time with family, he's busy in the Pulse Particle HQ developing new and innovative products. 

Pulse Particle Director James 

Passionate about pushing the boundaries of his fishing James is a dad to four boys and tries to get on the bank as much as possible.  Running Pulse Particles takes up and remaining spare time.  James loves to meet new people on the banks and always makes the time to have a chat if you see him. 

Pulse Particle Lead Consultant Paula 

Wonder women Paula has helped grow the Pulse Particle team a massive amount since joining as a lead consultant in October 2024.  A busy mom of three teenage boys who also runs her own business is on the bank every single spare second she gets!